Curiouser and Curiouser


"Sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast."
- Lewis Carroll

    This week our nanoscience class went “down the rabbit hole” exploring the University of Kentucky’s Advanced Science & Technology Commercialization Center, also known as ASTeCC.  What an adventure!  

    There was so much to see!  Our ASTeCC tour guides graciously led us through several laboratories, described the different equipment, and offered examples of their practical applications.  Here are a few images from our journey … through the looking glass.

The ASTeCC Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) displaying a scan of a computer chip.
    An atomic force microscope (AFM) is a type of high-resolution scanning probe microscope that images and manipulates matter at the nanoscale level.  The AFM uses a small tip that is brought into close proximity to a sample surface.  As the tip scans over the surface, it interacts with the sample's atomic and molecular forces, which are then detected and used to create an image.

    One of the main advantages of AFM is that it can be used to image a wide range of materials, including biological samples, semiconductors, and metals, at extremely high resolution.  Additionally, AFM can be used to manipulate samples at the nanoscale level by applying a force to the tip, which can be used for tasks such as modifying surface properties or manipulating individual atoms and molecules.  AFM is a versatile tool with many potential applications.  In materials science, AFM can be used to study the physical and chemical properties of materials at the nanoscale, which is useful for developing new materials with specific properties.  In biological research, AFM can be used to study the structure and properties of biological molecules, such as proteins and DNA, at the nanoscale.  This information is critical for understanding how these molecules function in cells and for potentially developing new drugs and therapies.

The ASTeCC Spectroscopic Ellipsometer scans a coated microscope slide, reflects white light off the sample at various angles, and detects the sample thickness.

    An ellipsometer is an instrument that measures the change in polarization of light reflected from a sample surface.  It does this by analyzing the change in the angle of rotation of the plane of polarization of light as it interacts with the sample.  The ellipsometer measures the ratio of the intensity of p-polarized light to that of s-polarized light, which provides information about the thickness and optical properties of thin films or surface coatings (1).
    Ellipsometers are used in a wide range of applications, including the study of thin film coatings, semiconductors, and surface chemistry.  They are particularly useful in the semiconductor industry for monitoring and controlling the deposition of thin films during device fabrication.  Ellipsometry can also be used to study the surface properties of materials, and they are valuable in research fields such as material science, physics, chemistry, and engineering.

    Before touring some of the most sensitive analytical ASTeCC equipment, we suited up to prevent contamination of nanoscale samples.  Even a single dust particle could be catastrophic to these tiny structures!

Amira and I getting gowned up to enter the ASTeCC clean room.  This clean room meets or exceeds ISO (International Organization for Standardization) 14644-1 Class 5 clean room standard.

    Once we entered the clean room, we learned about the Nanoscribe, a type of 3D printer that uses a high-precision laser to produce intricate nanoscale structures.  It is capable of resolutions down to a few hundred nanometers, making it a useful tool for research in nanotechnology and other fields.  The technology is based on two-photon polymerization, a process where a laser is used to cure a photosensitive material in a precise pattern, creating a solid three-dimensional structure.

    Learning about the nanoscribe was particularly interesting to me because I have a surface-level understanding of the work that goes into designing these nanostructures.  During my freshman year, I attempted to use the nanoscribe to print a 3D bicycle structure on the nanoscale.  However, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, I was only able to tour the facilities virtually.  This experience left a lasting impression and sparked my further interest in the capabilities of the nanoscribe.  Getting to know more about this piece of equipment and its potential applications was a highlight of the visit for me.

ASTeCC's Environmental Scanning Electron Microscope images a nanoscale frog.

    After viewing the nanoscribe we descended to the basement to see the Environmental Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM).  SEM uses a focused electron beam to produce highly magnified images of the surface of a sample.  The SEM works by scanning the surface of the sample with a beam of electrons, which interacts with the atoms in the sample, producing signals that are detected and used to render an image.  Some potential applications of SEM include materials science, nanotechnology, and biological research.  In materials science, SEM can study the surface morphology and composition of various materials, such as metals and polymers.  It is useful in characterizing the microstructure and surface features of such materials, which can provide insight into their mechanical, thermal, and electrical properties.  SEM can also be used to image and manipulate nanoscale materials, such as nanoparticles, nanowires, and nanotubes.  It is useful in studying the behavior and properties of these materials and in the development of nanotechnology-based devices.  Additionally, SEM can be used to study biological samples, such as cells and tissues, at high magnification. It is useful in visualizing the surface morphology of these samples, as well as in studying the interaction of biological molecules with materials.

    After discussing the Environmental SEM, we returned to the main floor to discuss the theory behind and applications of photonics.  "Photonics" refers to the science and technology of generating, controlling, and detecting light waves and particles (photons) for various applications.  This field encompasses a wide range of technologies, including lasers, optical fibers, LEDs, and solar cells.

    The potential applications of photonics are vast and diverse.  For example, photonics has revolutionized communication technologies, enabling high-speed internet, fiber-optic communication, and optical data storage.  Photonics may also be used in medical imaging, such as in endoscopy and radiology.

    The potential of photonics is particularly interesting because it has the possibility to enable new technologies and applications that were previously impossible or impractical.  For example, facial recognition is a common application of photonics that utilizes pattern recognition algorithms to analyze and compare facial features.  In this process, a camera captures an image of a person's face, and the pattern recognition software uses photonics-based algorithms to analyze the image and identify key facial features.  These features are then compared to a database of known faces to determine a match.  Photonics allows for high-resolution imaging and fast data processing.  The use of photonics-based sensors in cameras can capture images at high speeds, allowing for real-time facial recognition.  Additionally, photonics-based image processing techniques can quickly identify and analyze key facial features, making the recognition process more efficient and accurate.  Overall, photonics has the potential to transform many industries and aspects of modern life.

    There was so much to learn at ASTeCC.  Seeing the modern technologies developed by science to explore the nanoscale world was inspiring.  And the collection of curious minds gathered there provided the perfect complement!

“If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense. 
                       Nothing would be what it is, because everything would be what it isn't.” 
                                                                                                                - Lewis Carroll

Nano Pios


  1. 1.

    This source didn't copy over correctly from my draft blog post!


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